E Commerce Application

The time spent on eCommerce apps has increased by leaps and bounds during the past few years. According to a research, people spend 90% of their time on smartphones checking some mobile app or the other. The same study suggests that around 79% of smartphone users have downloaded and used eCommerce apps like eBay, Groupon or Walmart. Using tools like Etsy, WooCommerce and Shopify even small businesses today are entering the exciting world of eCommerce. The concept of click and mortar which helps brands sell their merchandise online is gaining momentum fast. The eCommerce apps are proving to be the tool to respond to buyers’ needs better. The popularity of eCommerce has propelled the demand for top eCommerce app developers.

Business apps

This type of eCommerce apps is used by businesses to deal with other businesses. Manufacturers, retailers, distributors and resellers use B2B eCommerce apps to trade with each other. The B2B eCommerce apps can have multiple sellers’ listing their products on an eCommerce platform or a single seller offering its products in huge volumes. Alibaba is a famous example of a single seller offering its products in huge volumes.

Customer apps

These are the most common types of eCommerce apps. All eCommerce apps serving their customers come under this category. A business opens an eCommerce platform to serve its customers in a better manner. BigBasket can be termed as a b2c eCommerce app.

ECommerce aggregator’s app

The eCommerce aggregator apps list down services from various local businesses on their platform, providing them an opportunity to connect with a broader range of customers. Consumers get access to a centralized platform through which they can buy any product or service. Uber is an example of an aggregator app as it brings different taxi entrepreneurs under one brand name.

Customer apps

In this business model, the customers sell their goods and services to other customers and the online portal just acts as a service facilitator. The C2C apps have gained popularity in recent times as customers can find a previously unexplored home businesses with these apps. A homemaker who is talented at baking cakes can easily connect with prospective customers revisiting her neighbourhood using a C2C app. Etsy is a great example of C2C eCommerce website as here artists come together to buy and sell their wares with minimum interference from the owners.

Checklist before building an eCommerce app

Many entrepreneurs made the mistake of jumping on the eCommerce bandwagon and build an eCommerce app without giving much thought to the business model. To avoid such mistakes we have prepared a checklist that one must go through before building an eCommerce app.

Research the eCommerce app idea

Insufficient research about their eCommerce app idea is the reason why many eCommerce apps fail. First, the entrepreneurs must be clear about the kind of eCommerce app they want to build. If the business produces its own goods, it can choose to develop an eCommerce app to attract more customers. The other idea is to create an eCommerce aggregator app and let others sell their goods on the eCommerce app.

No matter what kind of an eCommerce app the business wants to develop, it must first summarize the idea and answers the question: what are the key issues that the app will solve?

Any robust business plan starts with a clear business idea. If the business wants to go to investors to raise money, the investors would check whether the company has a well-thought-out business idea.

Create buyer personas

Many entrepreneurs made the mistake of jumping on the eCommerce bandwagon and build an eCommerce app without giving much thought to the business model. To avoid such mistakes we have prepared a checklist that one must go through before building an eCommerce app.


Specifying a target audience in detail is the next step after


Specifying a target audience in detail is the next step after

Economic background

Specifying a target audience in detail is the next step after

Hobbies and interests

Specifying a target audience in detail is the next step after

The eCommerce businesses must understand their needs and motivations and also know what influences their buying behavior. By creating a detailed buyer persona, an eCommerce company would design an app that will engage the customers and boost customer acquisition and sales.

Assign a budget for the app

Considering the type of eCommerce app they want to build, the eCommerce company must have a clear budget. The budget of the app will depend on the kind of features and technologies that the business wants to integrate in its app.

Choose the perfect mobile app platform

One of the most critical decisions that an eCommerce company needs to take is on which platform it would develop its eCommerce app. While choosing a platform, the company must ensure that the platform meets the latest technical requirements and reaches a broader audience.

Many companies prefer to develop their eCommerce apps both in Android as well as iOS. The eCommerce app owners should also make sure that their ecommerce mobile app is compatible with wearable and IoT devices, like smart watches and biometric scanners respectively, as the popularity of such devices are on the rise.

Competitor analysis

Most of the eCommerce niches are overcrowded and this is why new entrants need to conduct a thorough competitor analysis before developing an eCommerce app. The entrepreneurs must define their niche and conduct proper analysis using the available information. By conducting a proper competitor analysis, the eCommerce app owners can prepare a better strategy to position their app in the market.

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